SoulSplint's 2014 Year in Review

Check out what SoulSplint accomplished in 2014!

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2175 Points

Squats and Shoulders III on December 10th Contains Stretching, Barbell Squats, Front Barbell Squats, Goblet Squat (dumbbell), Barbell Deadlifts and Basketballs

1992 Points

Deads and Chest II on November 13th Contains Stretching, Barbell Deadlifts, Romanian Deadlifts, Standing Leg Curls, Decline Barbell Bench Press and Incline Cable Flyes

1862 Points

Deadlifts and Chest 1 on October 16th Contains Stretching, Barbell Deadlifts, Stiff Leg Barbell Good Morning, Standing Barbell Calf Raises, Wide-Grip Barbell Bench Press, Decline Dumbbell Flyes and Basketballs

1842 Points

Deads and Chest II on November 6th Contains Stretching, Barbell Deadlifts, Romanian Deadlifts, Standing Leg Curls, Decline Barbell Bench Press, Incline Cable Flyes and Basketballs

1776 Points

Workout on December 2nd Contains Stretching, Barbell Squats, Front Barbell Squats, Goblet Squat (dumbbell), Wide-Grip Pull-Ups, Pendlay Rows, Bent-Over Rear Delt Raises and Basketballs
Need more workouts? Take a look at our Bundles!

Up And At Them (Barbell)

Perform standing barbell shoulder press for at least 0.75x bodyweight

Hands Up High (Dumbbell)

Perform standing dumbbell shoulder press for at least 0.25x bodyweight

I Lift Things Up And Put Them Down

Perform barbell deadlift for at least 1.8x bodyweight

Hot Off The Press (Barbell)

Perform barbell bench press for at least 1.3x bodyweight

Up And At Them (Dumbbell)

Perform standing dumbbell shoulder press for at least 0.35x bodyweight
There are 18 Badges to win in 2015. Go get 'em!

Raise it up!

Just raise up on your tippie toes and then go back down. You can do this anywhere. It's ok, no one is looking.

Upper Body Pump

Pump up your upper body! Earn an extra 15 points if you do a chest exercise, a lats exercise, and a shoulders exercise all in the same week.

Greasing the Groove

Keep going, keep pushing! Log 100 sets of activities in a week's time to earn an extra 500 points

Mountain Gorilla Mode

1 plate, 2 plate, 3 plate! Complete in one workout.

Lowland Gorilla Mode

The strength that grows within you is beginning to move you into the Lowlands. Complete in one workout.

River Gorilla Mode

More and more plates for the young gorilla. Complete in one workout.

Baby Gorilla Mode

The road to great strength begins here. Complete in one workout.

Pull Yourself Up

Try out some of these staple pull up variations. Complete these within 7 days.

O Hai Abs!

Do a set of 20 crunches

Press Press Press

Try out three different Chest exercises within 7 days.

Try out the Deadlift

Try out three different Deadlift exercises within 7 days.
There are 0 Quests to win in 2015. Go get 'em!
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4 Props

SS Phase 2 Workout 1 on August 11th Scored 1230 points by doing Stretching, Barbell Bench Press, Incline Dumbbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Flyes, Incline Cable Flyes, Dips - Chest Versions, Triceps Pushdowns, Dumbbell 2-Arm Triceps Extensions and Lying Barbell Triceps Extensions


5 Props

Back and Biceps 1 on September 24th Scored 947 points by doing Stretching, Wide-Grip Pull-Ups, Reverse Grip Bent-Over Rows, Face Pulls, L-Sit Chin-Ups and High Cable Curls


7 Props

Phase C2 Legs on March 12th Scored 692 points by doing Barbell Squats, Dragon Flag, Leg Extensions, Standing Leg Curls, Standing Barbell Calf Raises and Cable Crunch


7 Props

Phase B4 Legs on May 28th Scored 1618 points by doing Stretching, Front Barbell Squats, Leg Extensions, Sumo Deadlifts and Seated Calf Raises


10 Props

Shoulders and Back 1 on October 17th Scored 1472 points by doing Stretching, Standing Barbell Shoulder Press (OHP), Barbell Shrug, Standing Dumbbell Straight-Arm Front Delt Raise Above Heads, Wide-Grip Pull-Ups, Face Pulls and Basketballs

Sticking to your new year's resolution can be hard. It doesn’t need to be. Whether you’re completely new to fitness, trying to lose 20lbs, you’ve run your third New York Marathon, or can bench press twice your own bodyweight, everyone has a goal they’re trying to reach. Many Fitocrats, just like you, have already reached that goal. They'll help you.

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